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African Ladies Awards is a unique pan-African event which rewards the excellence and know-how of African women through ten well-defined categories.
The organizing committee works with a set of technical partners and resource people to bring out the list of the fifty best women on the continent and the second phase goes to the African public who will elect by vote the best woman in each category....
The one who is at the top of the votes will be elected and will win the trophy
And the second place and third place are also rewarded.
African Ladies Awards is a unique pan-African event which rewards the excellence and know-how of African women through ten well-defined categories.
The organizing committee works with a set of technical partners and resource people to bring out the list of the fifty best women on the continent and the second phase goes to the African public who will elect by vote the best woman in each category....
The one who is at the top of the votes will be elected and will win the trophy
And the second place and third place are also rewarded.
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